About Arabbox

Arabbox has been specializing in the production of plastic containers for more than 25 years. We focus on supplying three product categories, ranging from Boxes, Jerry Cans, and Buckets as well as additional sub related services.

Our Mission

“Utilizing resources and investing in high technological machinery to consistently supply high quality , modern and superior plastic containers that cater to all filling industries.”

Our Vision

credibilityfrom responsipility.

The (P.R.O.S)

he P.R.O.S are the basic stepping stones that has helped secure Arabbox’s survival and prosperity for two and a half decades. They must be always applied in our business culture and we firmly believe they can be used as a guiding compass for our staff to improve their quality of life. They are as follows:

Work Process


“Every great achievement begins with a single purpose.”
Our purpose: To provide modern solutions to the filling industry.


“The duties carried out by individuals throughout their lives root back to their purpose.”
Our Responsibility: To provide the highest quality convenient product and exceptional service.


“To carry out the duty we must connect the dots together”.
Our organization: To work effectively and efficiently with discipline under a limited timeframe to meet the criteria.


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
Our synergy revolves around working together setting aside our differences to reach an organized platform.

Work Process


“Every great achievement begins with a single purpose.”
Our purpose: To provide modern solutions to the filling industry.


“The duties carried out by individuals throughout their lives root back to their purpose.”
Our Responsibility: To provide the highest quality convenient product and exceptional service.


“To carry out the duty we must connect the dots together”.
Our organization: To work effectively and efficiently with discipline under a limited timeframe to meet the criteria.


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
Our synergy revolves around working together setting aside our differences to reach an organized platform.